What social insurances are applicable on the BES islands?

  • Modified on: Thu, 22 Apr, 2021 at 11:02 AM

Employee Insurance and Healthcare Insurance

Employee insurance cover employees against loss of income when they are unable to work because of sickness or an accident or when they have been dismissed. The healthcare insurance gives the insured parties an entitlement to claim certain medical treatment.

The BES islands have the following employee insurances:

  • Wet Ziekteverzekering BES / Loss of wages by sickness (ZV)
  • Wet Ongevallenverzekering BES / Loss of wages by an industrial accident (OV)
  • Cessantia-wet BES / Severance pay (CES)

In addition, the BES islands have the:

  • Besluit Zorgverzekering BES / Healthcare Insurance

The premiums for employee insurance is an employer’s premium. The healthcare insurance premium also has an employee’s contribution. This employee contribution is included in the wage tax. In addition, the healthcare insurance premium has an employer’s contribution.

These insurances do not have a basic exemption, nor a maximum premium base income and any age limits

Applicable percentages

You can find the applicable percentages due in Account / Tax percentages:

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