Correction of previously retained percentage (Covid-19 / Corona / SARS-CoV-2)

  • Modified on: Tue, 26 May, 2020 at 11:41 AM

For example, if previously withheld 40% and it should be 20% later, you can correct it as follows:

1. Go to tab reports / Periodic reports / report 6 - specification by wage code

2. Select the period to be corrected and general ledger code Net wages (1000 or your own ledger code)

3. Apply and export to Excel, this will be your import file for already paid wages

4. If you do not yet have a wage code for already paid net wages, now make a copy of wage code 850 for this purpose

5. You can now reopen the pay run you want to correct

6. Change the previously entered percentage to the new percentage to be withhold

7. Import the already deducted net wages on the (new) created wage code 850

8. Close the run as usual (If desired, you can pass on the premiums and taxes)

9.  You can use the payment file for the net differences. But note the separate payments

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